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Mainstream browse

Level two

Mainstream browse is a topic system that groups together content by popular topics on GOV.UK.

How it works

Level 2 pages link to mostly mainstream content or they can also include Whitehall content, where there is a user need. Level 2 pages can be curated or alphabetical.

Live examples

How it's built

These are the underlying technologies that make-up the level two front template.

Content schema


What is a content schema?
A GOV.UK content schema is a JSON schema that defines the data structure of a piece of content. It determines what content and metadata attributes the page has.

Content type


What is a content type?
Content type describes the types of pages that exist on GOV.UK. It’s stored in the content item (JSON) as document_type. It powers search filters in all finders and changes the content type label users see on GOV.UK pages.

Publishing app


What is a publishing app?
Publishing apps are used by publishers across government departments to publish content to GOV.UK.

Rendering app


What is a rendering app?
Rendering apps render content to GOV.UK end-users.


The components used within the level two frontend template
Component Source Publishing app input field(s)
Layout super navigation header Autogenerated in frontend template
Breadcrumbs Autogenerated in frontend template
Feedback Autogenerated in frontend template
Layout footer Autogenerated in frontend template
Heading Customized by publisher

Title (required)

Lead paragraph Customized by publisher

Description (required)

List component Customized by publisher

Add link to current list

Heading Customized by publisher

Subtopic title (required)

Help improve this frontend template

To help make sure that this page is useful, relevant and up to date, instructions on how to contribute can be found on the GitHub repository (opens in a new tab).